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Category: Instructional

Racismo: Las Razones

Descripción Breve El hombre percibe luego concibe usando su capacidad de razonamiento, deducción, análisis, inducción, y síntesis. Con estas cualidades nacen todos los hombres. Tal vez con el paso del tiempo y la acumulación de mayor conocimiento su razonamiento alcance la capacidad de comprender el propósito de la Existencia, de la Realidad y de Vida. […]

Ave Maria-Caccini

Ave Maria de Caccini: First recording presented as done [unedited). This classical piece is great to exercise voice control: tempo, vibrato, holding note length, legato, and expression to say a few.

Access Pi Manager

How to Access Pi Manager For those who need assistance to register and or login to Pi Manager. The Staff provides a Video for you to view and then access the site address https://www.pimgr.com. Note 1: If you need time to read (at your pace) a slide, please, press the “pace-Bar,” once to pause, then […]


To: Subscribers We let you know that each course development goes through a design, editing, and publishing process to guaranty its excellence. The courses, lessons, and quizzes creation depend on the teachers’ availability and their desire to share their knowledge, skills, and experience with the rest of the world; but we are confident that pimgr.com […]

New Classes this Semester

New Classes this Semester

We give you an advance of what’s coming! We are preparing the following instructional program, courses and classes! Stay tuned with our site development. Soon we will be in full swing; just wait a little time. The following is program on project management that will open up first. We plan to offer the following course and classes […]

Xth Post

Xth Post

Academic vs. Experiential The everlasting discourse, which one is more important. The truth: learning is blind and we perceive through both ways. For some, learning by experience is faster and more efficient — as in trial and error. For others, learning through reading, as in academic institutions, may be best — as in learning the […]