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Category: Advertisings

Transition of power in USA

Transition is official Today America makes a U-turn back to democracy away from autocracy, possible dictatorship. It is the time to reform our republican government, our constitution, and our democracy to strengthen weaknesses and vulnerabilities, which puts our nation in harms way. The hour is now to start making a more perfect union, a nation […]


CPM-101: Construction Project Management Course. Yes; this course is coming soon. It is the best guide for those who want to know the details of construction project management. Release Date, you asked? Be patient, it will be here; it is a course full of information on how to run a project. This course is perfect […]

Come, Teach

YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, EXPERIENCE. YOU CAN TEACH AND MAKE MONEY? Hurry! The world needs knowledge, your knowledge, to evolve: your knowledge can improve the quality of life of others. Teachers are generous, worldwide, heroes; they help other people to reach higher levels, tranquility, satisfaction, gratification. When you teach what you know [your knowledge, skills […]

Cycles of Life

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] This book is about when, why, and how a spirit enters the human matter. The Creator has a precise and clear purpose. The author explains how the spirit houses in a living being, transfiguring itself in the soul of the animated matter. The soul configures, installs the mental or spiritual system that represents the […]

Ciclos de Vida

Este libro trata sobre como entra un espiritu a la materia humana; como se vuelve el alma del cuerpo y como el alma trabaja para manejar al ser humano. El autor define como el alma configura la Presenta una structura del alma en cuatro grandes componentes, mente, conciencia, y ego. Esta de venta en Amazon.com. […]

Citizens’ Rights

Reforms The constitution lacks the text for the fundamental ideas of the Union expressed in the declaration of independence. Specifically, “All men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights among them (1) Life, (2) Freedom, and (3) Happiness.” We have to enact in the constitution that the power of the central […]