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Category: Thought Exchange

Save Yourself First

Save Yourself First Oh! No, my daughters and sons… How, could I teach you perfection if I, myself, am not? How, could I tell you what’s beyond when I, outside my horizon, am blind? When I cannot right the wrongs of my own selections? I do not even control my thoughts; I only live with […]


Cenizas Las llamas consumen el hogar que antes era; arde la madera de su estructura y todo lo que ese hogar encierra. Las cenizas calientes resumen gloriosas y frescas primaveras. De la vida, dulzura y amargura; hoy todo vuelve a la tierra. Ahí se queman los sueños; Los viejos y nuevos proyectos desaparecen con el […]

Occupied hands

Never try to work with your hands when your hands are occupied with something else. Put down that something else, so, you may freely work with your hands. MAS-08.17.2021.

Ave Maria-Caccini

Ave Maria de Caccini: First recording presented as done [unedited). This classical piece is great to exercise voice control: tempo, vibrato, holding note length, legato, and expression to say a few.


Lo Fatal … Dichoso el árbol que es apenas sensitivo, y más la piedra dura porque esa ya no siente, Pues no hay dolor más grande que el dolor de ser vivo, ni mayor pesadumbre que la vida consciente… de Rubén Darío.   Bendita Fuga … Bendito sea quien de la materia escapa dejando atrás […]

Reality is Truth!

Reality lives outside of thoughts! Beliefs and faith are outside of reality. Reality is rigid, visible and tangible, and it comes from cause to effect. Only casual events bend the course of reality. Reality, thus, is truth, and only truth plus truth is truth. So, Trump whims are false.

New Year: A Field of Hopes

True Field of Peace of Mind! My fellow humans, it is time to turn our minds to look inside our souls and search in our consciences the true nature of being. It is time to understand the reason why we are created equal. It is time to meditate on the purpose of being; on the […]


Los sucesos son por casualidad o causalidad? Si, así es, las casualidades pertenece al reino probabilístico y aparecen dentro de las posibilidades. Las causalidades, no, esas dependen de causas que causan efectos. Si no ponemos atención a los fenómenos de realidad y presencia, no sabremos si es casualidad o causalidad. La vida en sí, naturalmente, […]


Nosotros, el pueblo, el mundo, está cansado de los engaños de los políticos; gran número de los representantes que elegimos para manejar los asuntos del pueblo lo engañan. Abusan de la autoridad que le damos, abusan de su poder, y trabajan en contubernio con grandes empresas, y gente rica y poderosa, con fines lucrativos. El tiempo […]


REFORMS   Our republican form of government is sick with corruption; it needs attention. Our democracy is in harm’s way, it needs protection. And as Benjamin Franklin predicted, “we need to have a revolution” every 200 years because all governments become obsolete and corrupt after that time.”  Our government and the rule of law surrendered […]