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COVID-19 Status

What is the situation of  the Convid-19

According to US CDC reports near 27.3 millions positive cases and approaching 473.7 thousand death. According to NBC reports COVID-19 is resurging throughout the country. The number of cases per day is increasing. If we sort the numbers by cases per 100,000 people, we see the top hot spots. The total number of vaccinations reached around 50.6 million vaccines administered.

North Dakota – 12,936
South Dakota – 12,457 cases per 100K people
Wisconsin – 11,419
Rhode Island – 11,405
Arizona – 10,937
Utha 11,247

Government Action

The new government inherited a COVID-19 situation out of control, and without a plan to control the spread. As of this week, the government ordered 200 million vaccines. So far, near 37 million people have receive the first vaccine. Near 13 million people received the second doses. According to the government is working to increase the number of vaccination places. Several federal institutions collaborate with the vaccination process, like the Bureau of prisons, Department of Defense, the Indian Health Services, and the Veteran Health Administration. The effort is large, but not sufficient. The government expects that by the end of Summer the majority of the US population will be vaccinated.

The Economy & Education

Mean while, the economic sector continue working at reduced capacity. The unemployment is growing and some businesses have closed their doors. It seems that the economy may not comeback to normalcy until some time after the pandemic is controlled. The education is in similar situation. It is possible to have in person classes, perhaps, after the summer recess.

The world situation

The entire world is in a critical situation; as of February 11, 2021, the world reports 108 million positive cases and near 2.3 million deaths. The USA leads the top list, and the order shows, (2) India, (3) Brazil, (4) Russia, (5) UK, (6) France, (7) Spain, (8) Italy, (9) Turkey, and (10) Germany. All these accumulates around 56 million cases.

May God save the people of the world.