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Actions we must take for mutual protection

The vaccine is coming soon, its use is not widespread yet. So, take precautions protecting yourselves and others.

1 –Wear a mask, keep six feet away from others, avoid crowds.
2 –If you have been in contact with someone with COVID-19, [excluding who had the virus within the past 3 months]
2.1 –within six feet for 15 minutes or more
2.2 –have or are taking care of someone sick with the virus
2.3 –hugged, kissed or hold someone who has COVID-19
2.4 –used eating or drinking utensils a person with COVID used
2.5 –you were near a person who sneezed, coughed
2.6 –disinfest things you touch, wash your hands, etc.

3 – Report it to your employer (if you work, as for instructions)
3.1 –Stay at home for 14 days after your contact
3.2 –Check yourself for symptoms: Fever (chills), breathing difficulty, fatigue, muscle or body ache, loss of taste or smell, soar throat, runny nose, and diarrhea. If the symptoms in bold text persist or intensify, plus, if you have bluish lips or face, inability to wake or stay awake, seek emergency care immediately.
3.3 –Stay away from people of higher risks to get infested.

Remember: When you protect yourself you protect others near you. Pi Manager wants you and yours to stay alive.