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Presidential Pardoning Power

Presidential Pardoning Power


The Spirit of Change

Is it true that justice is handed out equally to the citizens of the United States? Are there two sides of the American justice? Apparently, the above is so. It is demonstrated by the power conceded to the President of the United States. In monarchies, and or dictatorships, the ruler has the power to decide who is to be exempted from the the applications of the laws. They have absolute power to do so. Monarchs and Dictators are above the law.

In the United states, we claim that no one, not even the president, is above the law. But Trump demonstrates, now, that he is above the law. The constitution fails it purpose, allowing the possibility to place anybody above the law. We must reform our constitution to prevent such wide hole, weakness, and fault, eliminate such power given to a president.

We, the people, must demand reforms to the constitution; It is now or we will never have Justice for all. The future of this nation is on your hands. Read this book; read about why and what we must reform the constitution to make a more perfect Union.