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Report what happens at your place!

What happens (social, political, economical) at your place, community, city, or nation could teach others in the world a lesson. For  us at Pi Manager what happens to you and yours is, of course, important;  We can learn, we may help spreading the news, good or bad.

Please, write (post), report what is happening, as it happens, when it happens here, in your words.  You can add media to your news report. It may be very important for the rest of the world. Categorize it as Breaking News,  News, or Daily Life event. Let people comment on it, you may find help.

So, comment, write a new post, report your situations. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

The world needs love, caring and sharing.

One Comment

  1. added on 10 Dec, 2020

    We can only unite in one (human) group when we share what happened or is happening around us in our countries, cities, communities, neighborhood. Then, we, the people of the world, will be stronger together. Remember, that the social evolution of mankind depends on the knowledge we have, we gain, and we share. That knowledge is given to us by our Creator.

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