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A Constitution Mandate

Justice for All

Statue of Liberty on the background of colorful dawn sky

It is “evident that all men are created equal with certain inalienable rights endowed by Nature and the Creator of Nature among which are Life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness.”
But how can there happiness if Justice does not cover all the people? In this country,  Justice still bends in favor of a class of people, powerful, rich, and famous, while a minority suffers discriminations, and rude humiliations;  a minority pushed down to  inferior social and economic status.

Today, NBC reported that a Neo-Nazi was sentence to prison for threatening journalists. This is a step on the way to protect the right of freedom of expression; but we have a long road to walk. Race supremacist still roam around the world. The Constitution must be reform to form a more perfect Union.

Let us all hope that someday the world will accept, at last, that “all men are created equal.”