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Author: Mike Soto

Time Management

Action Management Pi Manager is happy to announce the coming of a quick course on  “Time Management.” The course facilitates a guideline for you with six sections following activity blocks and steps shown on the flowchart below. It is a simple course from start to end. It is short and effective, giving you tools and […]


The chaos we got is a steep mountain.   The numbers speak for themselves. The new administration, Biden and Harris, inherited an enormous mess. The situation is a multiphasic problem showing 24,8 million confirmed cases, 412.8 fatalities. The past administration did not have a plan to combat the epidemic; we need to increase vaccine production, […]

Path to the Future

The United States of America rescued the Union and brought it back to the “shining city on the hill.” It is again the greatest example of Democracy for the world. This Union has power to recover from strong assaults on its rule law, a coup d’état, an attempt to install an autocratic government or dictatorship. […]

Multilanguage Site

Translate this site to your language We are proud and happy to announce that Pi Manager is a Multilanguage site. Pi Manager maintains that when we clearly understand each other, we get along in peace. And when we translate what others speak we gain this precious understanding. You are welcome to use it and read […]

New President

New Policies: Immigration Restrictions The new government, Biden & Harris, just reversed president Trump’s executive order in place. President Biden sign an executive order lifting the immigration restrictions, covering (1) Muslin, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen,  (2) North Korea, and (3) Latin American countries: certain Venezuelan officials. The United States working to establish a […]


Actions we must take for mutual protection The vaccine is coming soon, its use is not widespread yet. So, take precautions protecting yourselves and others. 1 –Wear a mask, keep six feet away from others, avoid crowds. 2 –If you have been in contact with someone with COVID-19, [excluding who had the virus within the […]


Equivocación Viví mi vida sin pensar que vivía. Buscaba fama, riqueza y poder. Tan grande mi afán era que me olvidé de vivir. Si, vine a este mundo material, y pase la vida sin saber que pase. Mis días pasaron y no los veía. Estudie tanto y no alcance el saber que no hay verano […]


Translate this site to your language. … The twelve tribes spoke in their languages, and they all understood what they spoke, in Babylon, Mesopotamian area, in ancient time. Perhaps, someday, Pi Manager may write and speak in all languages of the world. For the moment, we start with ten languages. So, double click on the […]

My Way

Can do it his way show. This video is reproduced for entertainment purpose. It has no intention to characterize any living person.

Democracy in Action.

The people must defend  their democracies. When in course of life when leaders conspire to install an autocratic government or a dictatorship, the people have the right to rise in arms to defend their constitution, their form of government, and their way of life. The swearing includes all members of the armed forces. It is […]


Reformas COMUNICADO DE PRENSA INFORMACION DE CONTACTO: Pi Manager.Com Miguel Soto 714-306-7686 Miguel.Soto@pimgr.com  FECHA DE PUBLICACĺON: 10/30/2020 REFORMAS: EL ESPIRITU DEL CAMBIO LA BASE DE LA EVOLUCĺON SOCIAL  Fecha tope: [STANTON, CALIFORNIA, 30 DE OCTUBRE de 2020] — Encabezado: La Constitución de los Estados Unidos y sus leyes necesitan reformas lo antes posible, o ambas, […]

Reality is Truth!

Reality lives outside of thoughts! Beliefs and faith are outside of reality. Reality is rigid, visible and tangible, and it comes from cause to effect. Only casual events bend the course of reality. Reality, thus, is truth, and only truth plus truth is truth. So, Trump whims are false.

Justice for all

All men are created equal! Justice must act when and where violations happen. When someone violates the law, those who witness it and look the other way are accomplices. If we do not apply justice, we accept that person to be above the law. Time, title, and or conditions do not grant impunity. The Nature […]

COVID-19 Vaccine

THE UNITED STATES MEDICARE.GOV What you should know about the COVID-19 vaccines As vaccines become more widely available, it’s important to keep taking steps to slow the spread of COVID-19. Limit gatherings with others. Practice social distancing. Wash your hands frequently. Wear a mask in public. Once the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available to you, here’s what you […]

Real Democracy

A stage of tranquility, satisfaction and gratitude of the gifts of Nature and the kindness of the Creator. Its Purpose The purpose of democracy is to provide a platform for the members to pursue their happiness, live their lives, in freedom and in peace, in the way they want to live it. Looking at Nature […]

Gobierno vs Estado

Controversia Insólita El Debate Semántico: Gobierno abierto vs Estado abierto Interesante concepto del debate de aperturas [Gobierno abiertos/Estado abierto]. El tema de gobierno abierto y Estado abierto se pudiese interpretar como si fuesen componentes, independientes y separados, como dos inversionistas en una mesa negociando un contrato. A veces los argumentos se pierden en una complejidad […]

Attempt of Coup D’état

The Action: Sedition or Coup D’état History has registered many coup d’états (coup) or attempts of coup worldwide. We learned that coups happened before and after the Christian era. Around four hundred and ten attempts are known since 876 BC. They all have one purpose in common; somebody wants to assume power and control of […]

The Dictator must go

Democracy must prevail The Constitution, the Rule of Law must stand up and effectively command our Democracy and defend the principles that formed, and hold this nation together. The people, the ultimate sovereignty, cannot let criminals go unpunished. A treacherously mob , premeditatedly and intentionally, attacked and stab the heart of our Government and Democracy. […]