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Faces and Attitudes

Faces and attitudes

Faces and attitudes showing everywhere.
They drive us to lose, or drive us to win.
they drive us mad, or they drive us crazy.
Faces and attitudes make us laugh;
but they also can make us cry.
You can be here, or you can be there,
you may be heavy or may be thin.
They can make us active or lazy
But we’re not whole, we’re only half
of what we should be, open or shy.

Attitudes and faces
that is all we are,
shadows of non-reality,
fake human beings at best,
pretending to lead a real life
but running on futile races
to capture the moon or a star
ignoring futility, fate and fatality.
Ignoring our place of final rest
we still go through the strife.
Faces and attitudes drive us to rove
where there is war, there is no peace
but you can change all that for love
and work to place our lives at ease.
Faces and attitudes, oh what a fuss!
But, you know, these are not us.

© 31.12.2020 Faces & Attitudes, by Miguel Soto
Stanton, CA USA

One Comment

  1. added on 1 Jan, 2021

    The day we change our attitudes towards the world and fellow humans is the day when we will change humanity for the better.