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The Mystery

The Mystery

In that vast and deep space,
where reality and fantasy are mixed,
dreaming and being awake is the same thing;
where logic reasons Existence,
and the differences of the world are seen,
there, the identity of you and me is realized
full of love or pessimism.
In that space lives the history of the Presence.

In that space unreality and reality
coexist and live forever present.
The images of your reality, your experience,
images of anguish, longings, sorrows, and pain,
they don’t pass, they don’t age, they don’t die.
That space holds the secrets of your Truth
although to live you pretend and lie
outside your way of being, your essence,
dancing your rejoicing, happiness, and love.

In that space, everything is possibly the same
Reality is one, and only one,
there everything is and is not, it appears and disappears
and each problem carries with it its solution
although, then, it is useless to solve them.
There is no urgency there, only peace, causal or casual;
it does not matter if there is and is not a sun, a moon.
Only thought with the wind rocks,
and the ideas sing joyfully in chorus their song,
and souls of beings are loved even without knowing them.

Is it destiny, Is it the way, is it my luck?
Will it be the Existence flowing in its current?
Will it be Peace, War, Life, Death?
No, it’s none of that, it’s just the Mind.

©—”The Mystery” by Miguel Soto
Stanton, CA USA 09.11.2021